Hello Players!
Current Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O5kcLUxXYh8m4JZC1jn1TSwiOuIPAqr5pvcsl6fkz-s/edit?usp=sharingThis Week we have a little special. The picked challenge game is somewhat longer and was one of the bigger releases in 2014. To ensure that everybody has a fair chance you will be granted a timeframe of two weeks instead of the usual one. You will also get double the points if you complete the game.
Here are the games for the 7th & 8th week:
Challenge: I wanna find my Destiny [Clear] [v1.01]
If you want, you can play the v1.0 release of the game but the final boss is alot harder there. The version 1.01 is enough to complete the challenge and is provided by the link here. If you already have started a savefile, you can take that one so nobody gets disadvantaged. The time is enough to do a complete clear anyway.
Beginner Week 7: I wanna be the Burst [Clear]
Because Burst is a somewhat short game, I will provide the next Beginner game scheduled to next Monday (26th) in this thread. I will still accept Screenshots for every game until 01.02.2015.
Beginner Week 8: I wanna sink deeper
Please post your proof in this thread.
Good luck everyone!