So, this should be my final post on the topic before the results videos start getting uploaded.
I am still waiting on three judges' votes; specifically Starz0r, Kilgour22, and natedog2007. The three of you have thru August 8, 2015 to finish giving your opinions on the games, and to vote.
When I come back online on Sunday, August 9, whatever votes are present will be the FINAL COUNT. And hopefully, the results videos will begin that week.
As for me, the radio silence starts NOW. See you guys in a week or so.
Also, the public download for the contest submissions is now in the OP. Note that Derf's and Katz's entry (PSIFT) is not in that package, because they wanted "the first public experience with the game to be a more complete release." Hit them up if you want to see the latest updates on that.