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Topics - Sheepness

Pages: [1]
The Lounge / wow cool wow wacky question ( •ᴗ•)
« on: August 22, 2016, 10:39:19 PM »
if there was any jump you could do 100% consistently for a whole day, which would it be??? :OOO

@( - Y -)@/ i would choose downward planes

Programming Questions / help sheepy flocked up
« on: March 07, 2016, 12:02:47 AM »
im making a fangame atm and i suddenly decided that i wanted to change the tileset of one of my stages, but since that tileset was already used for the previous stage, i can't just edit the Backgrounds file... so i made a new tileset as a separate file and tried to replace all the tiles that way, but it turns on i can't do that without doing it one by one... is there any way i can replace the tileset for a certain room without doing it manually? my levels are all like 15 screens long...

Game Design / Feedback on horrible jump please
« on: December 03, 2015, 06:48:01 AM »
I was told that this jump I made was absolutely awf-wool

(going upwards)

What could I do to improve this jump? I don't want to make people really angry :Kappa: thanks

Meet and Greet! / hi im a sheep @(✿◕ Y ◕)@/
« on: October 11, 2015, 03:40:23 AM »
hi everyone i am a person who watches iwbtg fangames streamers and makes sheep puns on them
i come from NZ, therefore the sheep
my nickname is 旸旸 which sounds like 羊羊 which sounds like sheep sheep, therefore the sheep
i have several sheep plushies, therefore the sheep
i got into fangames because i have way too much free time at school
kthxbai @(✿◕ Y ◕)@/

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