A question: in review rules it says "When rating a game, we ask that you have cleared it first (or at least given it a fair attempt) before reviewing.", while lot of users are posting only ratings, with no words to back it up. So, is it allowed to rate without reviewing or is it not?
Well, we can ask things that the community may or may not adhere to. We ask that before you give a game any rating, text review, difficulty scale, etc., you should have played through the game to a certain extent, unless it is unbeatable/impossible. Does this mean that reviewers will actually follow this? Probably not.
Just use your best judgment. We strongly encourage that you beat the game (or at least play through a majority of it) before touching the rating/review button.
My fault, I misinterpreted that line. I don't know how that happened, but I mistook the "clearing" as "justifying your rating (in the form of review)" while it was simply "to finish the game", wasn't it. Anyway, what I wanted to know was whether you can rate a game without writing a review for it.