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Topics - Anonyte

Pages: [1]
Meet and Greet! / hOi! cirThree
« on: February 06, 2016, 08:48:20 PM »
Might as well get in here  :IceFairy:
Don't mind me, I'm just an awful person that's soo horrible at games I can kill off a VN's MC  :denRin:
Rage quited :ItsBoshyTime: a long time ago and trying to start fresh with nang and k2 :denKamilia_v2: (I just hate myself I guess)
I'm also working on porting the engine to cpp/sfml on my free time (I will be having more of it soon  :atkHappy:) so I can play with perspectives à la paper mario or fez  :OneHand:

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