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Topics - Jetiman

Pages: [1]
Meet and Greet! / Hey there!
« on: March 12, 2015, 10:40:28 AM »
Hi everyone! :paraKid: Finally decided to post here since I want to do the K2 challenge.

I'm Jetiman and I've been playing fangames on and off for over a year now. Also watched a lot of streams on twitch and lurked in the forums for a bit.

I've never really been good at platforming games but I love challenges and try not to give up easily.
I consider myself to be pretty bad at fangames but I feel like I'm finally getting better and more consistent.
I've beaten about 50 of them and done a couple of casual speedruns.

I hope to see you guys around on the forums or on twitch!  :atkHappy:

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