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Messages - ClearSeragaki

Pages: [1]
Meet and Greet! / Hello~!
« on: January 07, 2015, 08:55:39 PM »
Hi to whoever reads this. I am Clear. I really enjoy gaming and I absolutely love fangames. I started to record fangames because I felt like doing it, and so far I'm enjoying it. I'm not that good at "I Wanna" fangames, but I do intend to practice and become better at it. I've played tons of fangames already though, for a few months. Out of all the genres of fangames, I really enjoy avoidances the most. I really like "I Wanna Be The おぴんこす" even if it is very difficult. The farthest I've gotten is to the 1st "ABCD" part which is something I still haven't learned fully. I passed it once after about 700 deaths and that still made me happy enough. I watch a lot of people stream I Wanna's and that's what mostly motivates me to play these games. I like to interact with fellow people who know about I Wanna's and so I decided to try out the forum in the hopes to expand that interaction. I really hope I get to interact with a lot more of you because I enjoy the people in the community. Thank you for reading this and I hope you have a wonderful day!

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