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Suggestion: St. Jude's PLAY LIVE fundraising event


Hello everyone!

I happened to stumble upon a great fundraising event that benefits St. Jude's Children Research Hospital. This organization is one of the only organizations I ever pay attention/donate to, as it breaks my heart to see what those children are going through.

So how does it relate to the Wannabes, at all? Well, in this event that kicks off on June 13th, any individual and/or team that streams games can help raise money for St. Jude's. This goes on until September 1st, for a total of 12 weeks! Every week has its own "theme", however, any game is most certainly encouraged!

So my question is - Would the Wannabes (or anyone) be interested in this event? I have personally never done an event like this, and I wanted to see how much attention I could garner from the Wannabes for this. I think it would benefit our team in more ways than one - it's charitable (you heartless beings), it may attract viewers (?), and it's just fun! Once again, I consider St. Jude's to be one of the most respectable charities out there, and I would hope there is some attention towards this.

Here is their site link explaining the event (scroll down):

If you aren't interested, that's okay. I think I'll be personally running through this fundraiser, with or without a team.

Thanks for reading :D

I'd be interested in doing this, i will think about it.

 I would like to help, can you maybe explain here what someone has to do to help as a streamer?

I'd love to join.  I've been in charity streams before, and they are tons of fun.
It probably wont be a problem, but I will need to know the exact date because of work. :v


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