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The Index of Common Jump Names

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why not just call the tbone vortex just vortex?

what about that combination jump of plane and corner? is there a name for that?


--- Quote from: Denferok on April 26, 2014, 03:19:29 PM ---why not just call the tbone vortex just vortex?

--- End quote ---

like (T-bone) vortex

and you should add
 invert / natto
becuz jap. like sggk

I think the roofed double diamond should be added, but a triple diamond really isn't necessary.  Seeing a single gate, people know it's a gate.  Seeing two gates, people know it's a diamond.  Having a double diamond on there is really only so you can tell what a third gate would be, and then anything after that is just a bigger number.  There's no sense in adding a triple diamond because there can be an infinite number of diamonds if it has infinite jump or water or something.

For this reason, a double invert would make sense being added, but I can't imagine people not knowing what a double invert looks like if they know what a single invert looks like.

A "Short-Cancel F" seems unnecessary to me because it's SO uncommon and can be explained with existing terms.

Of the other ones infern0 mentioned:
"U" should be added with the name "V" instead.
I like the "A" jump.
I also like the "Open Gate."
Everything else seems unnecessary.

And yeah, calling the "T-Bone Vortex" just a "Vortex" would prolly be good.

This is a Leehe Jump
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