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What's Your Progress?

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My progress in Butterfly so far, This is not even far in but the Orange area was fucking shit and stressful  :atkCry:

Anyway, lots more to go


Good bye RZ, please never come back. I thought this part looked fun but I didn't really realize how dumb the K3 buffs made some of the jumps, especially near the end of saves.

Something like 5000 deaths and 5 hours for the RZ screens. At least half of each of those figures was spent on the final save alone. It sure didn't help that I died on the relatively easy final jump three times.


This may take a really really long time.

Got around 10.000 Deaths on the drop at the end of Macaron 1 because my keyboard is almost unable to do 1 frame jumps and I had to do a very weird jump to get down there.  :atkCry:

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7 goddamn f***ing hours playing this damn game! So many choke jumps, ledge cancels, diagonals, f-jumps, trolls, and sections that go on WAY TOO DAMN LONG! So many times I asked myself if seeing the sunrise was even worth it, but now here I am!

I wound up busting a button on my controller from the SEVERAL NEEDLESSLY LONG DOUBE-JUMP SEGMENTS, but the end is finally in sight. Just one techno boss left and I can go back to scrub material, or at least things that aren't so freakin' long. Or maybe Barbie's Horse Adventure. I don't know, my soul and wrists are just so tired...

rukito why

Thankfully I'm in the lower left corner in this screenshot. I hope I never have to do a screen this dumb again. Time for a Rukito boss!!!!!

EDIT: Well this Rukito boss sure is a dumb Rukito boss, let's do something less dumb for now. I know, let's get back to K3.

That "less dumb" idea only lasted for three saves ;_;


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