Fangames > Unfinished / Incomplete

I wanna be the Tower 0.40b


Hey bros  :atkHappy:

finally I'm able to release and early version of my first game "I wanna be the Tower".

Everything what's important stays in the readme, so read it! Also I want to hear your opinion about it, so post it hear.
What I forgot to mention in the readme is, you can delete the save with a Right-Click :P

Have fun!

Update 0.40b:

-Added a delete description to the menu screen
-Fixed the views (window won't reset to the middle of your screen anymore)
-Fixed the light triggers at the end of stage 2
-Fixed speedrun achievement for Stage 2

Tiny update

Plattforming is fair and flashlight gimmick really cool.

But this segment feels kinda out of place:

If you haven't played Celebrate 100 or are familiar with vinejumping-mechanics you're spending quite some time on that vine in the tutorial level.


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