Fangames > User-Made Creations

I Wanna Descend Into Hell

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Basic Information:
Name: I Wanna Descend Into Hell v1.01
Engine: YoSniper
Creator: Kyir

Game Details:
Length: ~80 screens, ~5 hours based on testing.

* Basic Game: 36 screens
* Same Game+: 49 screens5 Secrets: Currently do nothing.
Bosses: One at the start, one at the end.

Readme File:
Epic Storyline
Compelling Characters
5 Star Review by the New York Times
Soon to be turned into a movie by J. J. Abrams
Song list

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Download (12/24/2014 Update):

Patch Notes:
(click to show/hide)2/8/2014:

* Fixed a rabbit jump made impossible by changes to the mechanic.6/18/2014:

* Secrets now only unlock New Game+. Previously gated content can now be played immediately after finishing the first portion of the game, even without every secret.10/7/2014:

* Secret area moved to end of NG++, no content yet. Music bugs fixed, save blockers added, some jumps modified.12/22/2014:

* Slight save movement, slight adjustment to a few obstacles. Secret #3 fixed.12/24/2014:

* Full release.
Current 100% World Record is 1:23:10 (Mannyg2011)

I played this game and im now at the second area. Pretty good game so far! Here are the Pro's and Con's

Good fitting music for the area
Area's are pretty well designed, no annoying stuff like jump cancelling
The graphics from Terraria really fits the area

You should edit some stuff to make it better: (spikes, platforms)
The water is pretty annoying to use because The Kid moves REÁÁÁÁÁÁLY moves fast in the water and i almost die from it (ill count it as nothing if its just a thing from YoSniper's engine)

Thats my rating.

The water is part of the engine, but it's pretty much a failure on my part in terms of coding in that I couldn't improve it at all.

Its okay. I never used YoSniper's engine before so its just his fault.

Well, I'm using Yosniper's Engine for my new fangame too, and I think I know the problem : he made the gravity weak when the kid is underwater, but the maximum fall speed is still 8.
Here's what I did to solve it.
Find the object player, and look for 'End step'(Is it says so in English? because I'm not using English version so I don't know)
anyway, next you find the 'else if place_meeting(x, y, water)'
there, the code says :
 else if place_meeting(x, y, water) {gravity = 0.25;}
if you find it, add this to there:
if vspeed>2{vspeed = 2;}
so the result will be this(this is exact same code with mine):
    else if place_meeting(x, y, water) {gravity = 0.25;if vspeed>2{vspeed = 2;}}

this may make the kid fall slower than before underwater(I didn't used the underwater gimmick yet so you'll need to test it yourself, and if you think 2 is too slow, you can change the number). of course, you can modify the 'maxFallSpeed' variable, but I didn't want to because I thought what I did was the more simple way.


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