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Levels really don't matter in this game anyway. What really matters more is rank, mines is around 5k.

EDIT: Why is the name of this thread in caps? It should be osu!. :FailFish:

I mainly only play CtB but the main gamemode is fun too

Neither rank or level matter imo. Level is just the amount of total score you have, which can be grinded easily by just playing marathon maps a lot (ofc you need skill to get high combos though). And rank while requires more skill to farm, the score boost given by mods is usually enough to bypass nomod SS's by getting +97% acc or something like that, and since Hidden doesn't require much skill save for maps with tons of stacks/hard to read/high OD it's quite easy to farm with that. I only did once, but seeing how I beated my own SS with a 98% acc play w/Hidden wasn't funny. Of course getting SS w/Hidden is more impressive than SS w/NoMod, but heh :/.
Btw I'm Lv74 and Rank #29k, and slowly getting closer to beat Airman Nomod (died on the last chorus) :BionicBunion:

Just started playing this game. It's just perfection to the next level. Even though it's really hard I'm hoping it's like Stepmania where I get better with years of practice.

Osu is awesome :3
My username there is TitSucker, though I haven't rly been playing a lot of it lately...


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