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Took me a while to get the correct timing of all the attacks

Feeling nostalgic for Kamilia 3, I decided to give the game NCE a whirl. Turns out there are three of them.

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Really short, easy games, but each with it's own uniqueness. The first one is more a beginner's fan game platformer, the second is longer only because it makes you play the game in reverse, and the third is... very unique. Spike and platform placements are randomized, and the game gives you the option to change it up at each save! A mixed bag for that one, but I will say the bosses have steadily improved each game. The first game was a memory-based jumping sequence, the second was more dynamic but simple, and the third was more like a typical avoidance fight. And not a Vocaloid in sight!


Fun avoidance and needle  :atkWaifu:

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A love/hate kind of medley game. Well, partly medley, since a good chunk of it is original content. Buffs in Rainbow area were awful, and plenty of save segments were just annoying. Bosses were also on the med side, except the final one. Rather easy, but had good music and overall a fun experience. But then there's the "escape sequence" that went on too long. Maybe three screens, but it just overstayed its welcome. Took me a while to finally beat it, and I'm relieved that I did.

(click to show/hide)Fun and easy-ish game


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