Fangames > Unfinished / Incomplete

I Wanna Be The Death Collab [Make A Stage!]

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Already finished my stage, it's 2rooms, 2nd room is very short, but I'll make a boss as optional. Already have idea and stuff, gonna be amazing.


--- Quote from: lemonxreaper on October 24, 2013, 07:47:15 AM ---I think the only way this has a shot at being good is if people make something fun, or atleast attempt to. it can be needle sure, but they should also be required to clear their own stage, completely. no tas or save states. you also need some quality control and beta testers.
otherwise 1 person might as well just make IwbtTAS3. or at the very least agree on what we are making, so it isnt so weirdly mixed up like the first.

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I agree, I think there needs to be a little more guidance for the game to feel coherent. Here are my suggestions, tell me what you guys think.

1. We should agree upon an example of roughly how difficult and long the stages should be. And similarly, should stages be just needle, or anything goes? Starz0r suggested to me TAS should be the standard (?)
2. After everyone submits their stage, we should have a short beta test, and then people can make tweaks to their stages accordingly.
3. Not sure about this one, but each stage could have some kind of a nod toward the name/theme of the collab, "Death." The final stage could be directly death-themed.

These are just suggestions, feel free to tell me I'm wrong. I don't mean to be rude, I just want this collab to be the best it can be :BloodTrail: Also, here's a screenshot from my stage so far.
(click to show/hide)
 I realize now it's probably way too easy, so I'll make it harder. I was thinking of making it about 5 rooms. Also cracked objects break when shot.


--- Quote from: infern0man1 on December 07, 2013, 08:33:15 PM ---Hey star, I may not be able to finish my stage before the 31st. Could you either update the time or allow me to submit sometime after?

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Yea that is fine with me.

If I don't get access to a computer today, I may not be able to finish until January. I have finished testing the main stage, but the boss is far from completion.

I'll see if I can whip something up before monday.


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