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POLL 2: Brace yourself, awards are coming!
I may post example pictures later. :FrankerZ:
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What kind of rewards we talkin here, you better mean cookies. :TrollFace:
that picture is clearly shopped. nobody would have a wii-u remote as a signature. there's such a thing as human decency. I have seen quite a few shops in my time. and that picture is one of them :Kappa:
--- Quote from: lemonxreaper on September 05, 2013, 04:55:51 AM ---that picture is clearly shopped. nobody would have a wii-u remote as a signature. there's such a thing as human decency. I have seen quite a few shops in my time. and that picture is one of them :Kappa:
--- End quote ---
Idk zero wanted pictures, and I was too tired and lazy to make some, so I just randomly found this one on the mod support thread. pls don't hurt me :FrankerZ:
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