Fangames > User-Made Creations
I Wanna Be the Jump Master
Fresh from Fangame Marathon it’s I Wanna Be the Jump Master!
Discord server invite:
Online Leaderboards
The game is actively being updated. If you have a suggestion for an improvement let me know in the discord channel!
In the main mode of this game you must complete as many jumps as you can, 20 of them at 30 seconds a jump, giving you more points the more difficult they get! You get score multipliers for performing jumps in a row without dying (jump streaks).
This game has stats galore, including not just locally but an online leaderboard linked above! There are also achievements and easter eggs for you to collect, as well as a practice rooms for achievement hunting and general practice that includes even more goodies.
The game will alert you if there are updated versions which will include:
Vs. mode that allows you host a game and join other games, letting you see your opponent's score in real time.
Segmented difficulty runs for achivement hunting and/or practice.
Stats about the jump you just finished during the 5 second downtime.
More game modes.
More achievements and unlockables.
Well-into-the-future-version will let you create your own jumps for practicing.
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