Fangames > Meet and Greet!

Hello! o/


Hey everyone! I'm Krakka and I started playing fangames about three weeks ago. Silly me decided to play C2 as my fist game and got my butt handed to me. Spend the better part of 5hrs doing 4 stages in the first world. :atkWut: Anyhoo, it's good to meet you all on here. I'm typically be more active in the discord server, but I'll pop around here too! I do stream, so feel free to stop by and chat a little. I'm open to all fangame suggestions, but know that my skills are okay at best. xD Take care and see you around. \o/

sup cracka :TriHard:

Welcome! Hope you have a good time in our lovely community! For some games that are beginner friendly (but fun nonetheless), I recommend checking out Patrick's introduction to fangames: It has a nice variety of games, with multiple genres as well. (By the way, don't sweat it, Cultured 2 is hard af)

Have a good one <:

Lel, hey Wolsk :PogChamp:

I've been through some of those Dalt, though there is still some I need to check out on that list. I've cleared all the avoidance ones though. :IceFairy: So many fangames, so little time!


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