Fangames > User-Made Creations
[COLLAB] Dream Game: An Aiwanna Fanfare
Hey guys, today I'm trying something a little different.
Dream Game: An Aiwanna Fanfare
What is this? Why am I reading this?
* This is a little experiment in which I'm trying to get as many people as possible in joining in, per se; something along the lines of a collaborated project. This is a project where you can essentially go wild with your creativity. Nothing except conceptual themes are planned, which means any sort of gimmick, level, or boss you can come up with, you're set!
You mentioned conceptual themes. What's that about?
* Well, what I was thinking as a general foundation of the project is to pick your favorite graphics/theme(s) of any game, whether that would be a console game, Steam game, what have you, your canvas is empty, and limitless. Just has to meet the criteria of being legitimate. What is this legitimacy, exactly? Let's just say something along the lines of gore/pornography/esoteric and/or offensive themes won't cut. Not saying memes are a no-go, just keep it clean.
I'm game! Now what?
* Go ahead and download Patrick's Barebones Guy Engine, as it is the only engine that will be used thus far.
* Discord will be our main communication method, as it curtails essentially everything you need (except video calls, of course). The roles in discord will be given as per interest (if you'd like to work on just graphic design, we have the Graphics role; if you'd like to work on Coding only, we have the Programming role; if you'd like to only help conceptually with timeline(s) and/or story-line instances, there's the Conceptual role). If you'd like to do all three of the instances listed, you could be an Overall Designer.
It's a simple system for just organizational purposes. Hope to see how this comes along. GLHF!
Nevermind on the poll, it can be any game as long as it's 2d
Shut up already! What's the short version if I want to participate?
I'd suggest making something in the 20/30 range of difficulty for delfruit as of now
then later in the project, where we hit more development, we can move on to higher. There's no set deadline, just expecting to be a basic commitment to the notion that once you start your stage, then you finish it at some point
I'm expecting this to take about 6-8 months of development, if it ever gets there. This being said, the process doesn't directly involve all of you for the 6-8 month period, its just that once any of you that may have collaborated/solely worked on a stage, it will be added in terms of playstyle
also i should probably refrain from saying stages
and moreover sections
because I'm thinking each game is its own section, which has to involve the console voted upon
it doesn't really matter who picks it, I can infer that we will follow-up with the specific theme(s) of said game
and the roles dont specify your part in the project, as you all are equally contributing to the same project and will be credited accordingly in the end result
they are just organizational
the only reason i have overall designer is because I basically can do any of the said roles
they are all equally my specialty
otherwise i would've picked graphics imo
Sounds nice! I might get the chance to give some of the ideas I have in my mind for fangames, I think I have too many.
Updated OP
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