Fangames > Programming Questions

Timing issue & clearing saves before distribution


Hey Hey,

New here and have a quick question.

I used YoYoYo's engine to make a game recently and over the course of making it, somehow the timer counts at least 5 times faster than it should. I don't know how that happened. I knew nothing about coding before starting and did everything through online tutorials.

Also, when I went created the executable file to play it and loaded the executable file, my saves were still on there.  Is there a way to delete those saves without just starting new games in all 3 files?...just had that idea while typing and all 3 will start from beginning, so maybe I can just keep it like that.

Any help would be amazing and I do plan on posting the game in user made creations for feedback before posting to the wiki.

My head really hurts, so I hope that made sense.

Thank you.

The saves aren't tied to your .exe, they're tied your windows user account. Even though they show up for you, they won't show up for anyone else.

For the timer issue, check your game for multiple objWorld instances. You should only have one, in rInit.

You can probably get more help, feedback, and testing in the discord.

I recommend adding a create event to objWorld and put in the following code

--- Code: ---if room <> rInit

--- End code ---

Then pop through all the rooms. When you see a popup box saying objWorld you know you accidentally put an objWorld in that room.

Found and removed ObjWorld and timer seems to be good in Gamemaker. Will make new .exe
Thank you for your quick responses.


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