Fangames > Meet and Greet!



Hi everyone. I have been in kayin's forums for a while, but I had never been here before

So there you go, an introduction post. Did I do it right?

I would suggest telling us more about what you think of IWBTG Fangames and stuff that you like, but that's good enough. Welcome to the community! Feel free to talk about whatever you want when you want to.

nice! hey dude welcome to the forums.


--- Quote from: lawatson on September 26, 2016, 03:19:50 PM ---I would suggest telling us more about what you think of IWBTG Fangames and stuff that you like, but that's good enough. Welcome to the community! Feel free to talk about whatever you want when you want to.

--- End quote ---
I really like IWBTG and that kind of stuff, they're my kind of game. Intense platforming, something that is an actual challenge. My favorite fangames are needle fangames.
As my level, it depends on the field, I'm way better in needle than in anything else. Bosses are usually where I get stuck, I'm not very good in avoidance. I'd like to improove in that field though.
I'm currently working on a couple of fangames, I Wanna Be The Gravity and I Wanna Be The Resolution. The titles are pretty literal :P

Also my fav game is VVVVVV


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