Fangames > User-Made Creations

I Wanna Kill The Bestinary: Fangame Resemblence [Game Development]

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Just to make something clear: I am not the one making this game. Rather, I am helping Kye with any questions he has over game maker to try to help him learn and evolve. (Remember that review for Quartzia 2 I made a while ago?) (click to show/hide)(The Review)
The following is meant to be constructive criticism and is in no way meant to put anything against/hurting Kye the person. (Funny how I have to put this so that the point will actually get across)

Enjoyment: 2/10

For a Kye game: It's mediocre.
For a Medley game: It's meh.
For a Fangame: It's bad.

The difficulty balance is near non existent, even going to the point of telling his friend "Ukie" in the readme that stage 1 is the easiest thing in the game. It tried to pick from popular games of the time, and some that are so obscure that you think "Maybe I saw this game when it came out two years ago?" which isn't a bad thing, until you realize that there is no continuity between the games. Along with no stage bosses requiring you to use dev tools to progress, unlock-able stuff in which does nothing, and this being yet another blatant Try-to-ride-the-fame-train-off-Kamilia clone with Realtime911, I wouldn't recommend this.

Side note: Bad Undertale memes.

Side note 2: Kye, from the bottom of everyone's hearts in the Fangame community, please stop making lazy medley games. We don't want you to stop making games entirely, but that being said you need to learn from your past games and evolve from it; not just keep making the same stuff. If all video games were the same, they would not be enjoyable. So, in turn, if you make all of your games the same, they become less and less enjoyable every time, even if you try to call in other people to "Help" you by making your game. What I'd recommend is learning to make something on your own, learning difficulty curves, learning level design, and actually making your own Fangame instead of making medleys. If you do not have the time or patience to do those things, then you do not have the time and patience to make medleys. In fact, I will even go out of my way to directly help you if need be, and I'm sure if it would make a difference, a group of other people besides me would too (Message me somewhere if you're interested).

Long story short:
Mediocre Kye game, would recommend only to people who are bored out of their minds/find medley games in their own genre fun somehow.

Why am I in the creators? I didn't agree to this

Don't play coy Piece. I'm sure you're going to do great on this project.


--- Quote from: pieceofcheese87 on September 18, 2016, 05:52:05 PM ---Why am I in the creators? I didn't agree to this

--- End quote ---
i think you made c2 so maybe that's it


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