Fangames > User-Made Creations
I wanna get Cultured 2
^video is private
--- Quote from: infern0man1 on September 10, 2016, 08:19:55 PM ---^video is private
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I'm stupid, but thanks I fixed it now.
That is a pretty clever use for the effect :atkHappy: I hope this won't be considered an exploit, I enjoy seeing unusual strats like this in games. Depends on how the devs feel about it though, of course.
just got to the final boss and I can't quit? how do I close the game and have my progress save?
--- Quote from: thebmxbandit11 on September 13, 2016, 11:58:29 PM ---just got to the final boss and I can't quit? how do I close the game and have my progress save?
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You can press backspace to return to the small area before Biff and there you can use the pause menu, don't worry it wont save there.
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