Fangames > Game Design

Medley how?

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So... i have a question i want to make a medley but i dont know how to get like the bg and stuff perfect is there something that can make it easier? would be aweosme for an answer

I'm not sure what you're asking exactly, but the first step to a medley is to map out potential game choices and to ask for permission to use each one. There's not one way to structure a medley, either; you could do it completely differently from Kamilia. Ultimately, medleys are a lot of work and you need to prepare yourself for a big commitment.

He's asking if there's a tool to make ripping resources from games easier. I believe there's an 8.0/8.1 decompiler floating around somewhere, but I don't think there's a Studio one that's publicly available.

What Kyir said. But I want to say that if this is one of your first games (which I'm assuming since I don't remember seeing your name, I could be wrong), I highly recommend you finish some non-medley games first. People expect a higher quality out of medley games, and they're also harder to do well.

There's a very easy-to-find decompiler for GM 8/8.1 as Kyir said. There's no known decompiler for GM:S since it compiles in a completely different way than previous iterations of GM. If you want extract code from GM:S games, then you're out of luck; but if you want music/image files then you can use Resource Hacker to get them. I've used it on a few games to get sprites for similar purposes in the past.

The only thing I would say is that make sure you credit where you get everything from.

Good luck :~)


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