Fangames > Announcements

Country Flags

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We now have flags assigned differing in what country we live in \:Kreygasm:/

Please make sure you change your flag to what ever country to live in.

EDIT: idk

why?  :SSSsss:

done  :PogChamp:

Why is this mandatory? I don't think it's a good idea to force someone to show where they live if they don't want to. There's absolutely no point to this other than driving people away from the forums. If I have to hide my flag to proove a point here, I will.


--- Quote from: Sephalos on August 27, 2013, 04:28:09 AM ---Why is this mandatory? I don't think it's a good idea to force someone to show where they live if they don't want to. There's absolutely no point to this other than driving people away from the forums. If I have to hide my flag to proove a point here, I will.

--- End quote ---



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