Fangames > Tournaments

Fangame Marathon 2016 Wrap-Up/Future Considerations

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This wasn't really much of a marathon, more of a one big event. A marathon would be the event completed without any bans, failed memes or spamming. I have to give it that this is impressive, but it's not a good marathon.

In all seriousness, I unfortunately had to miss pretty much all of it due to a family reunion, but from what I've heard it was pretty baller.

Really enjoyable experience, can't wait for the next one, thanks to everyone that made this happen!


--- Quote from: Fireball7d7 on June 13, 2016, 04:36:52 PM ---I think people in the community, especially on the Twitch team should not be streaming during the marathon and hosting it to show their support.  I was extremely agitated to find people on the team streaming during the marathon, not in relation to it whatsoever.

--- End quote ---

You might have a point with people on the team not streaming, but saying that other people in the community shouldn't is sort of silly. It's assuming that both there's a mandate for people unrelated to the event to try and increase it's viewership, and that stream viewership is a zero-sum situation. There's not really a case to be made for either as far as I can tell.

Seems like things turned out pretty well despite other people streaming anyway.

I wasn't the one who made the schedule but kamilia 1, 2 and 3 obviously had to get accepted. Those games are like the super metroid of AGDQ, too hype to pass up. I do know that they chose to not leave out any runners, everyone who submitted something got in which left little time for other stuff. So they decided to go with the more known stuff, is what I'm assuming.

FGM was a blast, thank you everybody for organizing this event.


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