Fangames > Game Design
Colorize black, white or gray sprites
Junior Nintendista:
Currently, I wanted to know this kind of color sprites with these colors, I used the paint.NET but I did not get sucess, some of you guys know any program or code that colorize the sprite? I shall be grateful for your help.
sprite example:
Try using the "Fade" option in game maker ^^
Junior Nintendista:
--- Quote from: GatoBot on June 12, 2016, 10:25:13 AM ---Try using the "Fade" option in game maker ^^
--- End quote ---
this option only colorizes over the sprite, not the sprite itself
If you mean like this
Then in add a new layer, add your color to the layer and change it's Mode to Overlay
If you don't have, an alternative is actually the Intensity tool in gamemaker. It sets both value and saturation, so same value and max saturation should do the trick.
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