Fangames > User-Made Creations

The New Ultimate Fangame! [o_o]

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Kye Williams:
Hello Everyone, Geeks, And Others, I'm Kye... I Want To Say, I Want To Create A New & Complex Fangame, It's Called [YouTube Quest: The Fangame]... If Somebody Think This Is Horrible Then GTFO, So Yeah, The Creation Will Start Tommorow! See You Soon  :atkHappy:

I heard somewhere that announcing your intentions on doing something gives the same satisfaction to your brain as actually doing it, so you never actually end up doing it.


--- Quote from: pieceofcheese87 on June 11, 2016, 08:46:48 PM ---I heard somewhere that announcing your intentions on doing something gives the same satisfaction to your brain as actually doing it, so you never actually end up doing it.

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The opposite might also be said, that proclaiming something before enacting it puts positive pressure on the person to do it lest they lose face. You see it a lot in 1v1 competition.


--- Quote from: Kyir on June 11, 2016, 09:18:36 PM ---
--- Quote from: pieceofcheese87 on June 11, 2016, 08:46:48 PM ---I heard somewhere that announcing your intentions on doing something gives the same satisfaction to your brain as actually doing it, so you never actually end up doing it.

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The opposite might also be said, that proclaiming something before enacting it puts positive pressure on the person to do it lest they lose face. You see it a lot in 1v1 competition.

--- End quote ---

I'm not entirely sure there's any face left to lose in this situation...

Kye Williams:
Okay, The Game Has Animated Cutscenes, Cool Bosses, Great Story & Chapters... Also Story Mode...  :atkHappy:


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