Fangames > Tools & Software
Fangame Skins...?
I'm curious, would that be possible to make a program that switches sprites so we can easly have our own kid in chosen game? Ofc if the sprites that aren't renamed oddly in the game.
I'm asking if that's possible to code at all.
I'm almost certain it's not possible unless everyone started coding some kind of hook for it into their games uniformly.
PS: I should clarify, almost certain it's not possible for Studio.
I'm sure it's possible since GameMaker 8.1 leaves all it's assets unencrypted, though it might be a fairly hard process to inject sprites into memory unless you know the exact location, and if it is the same location everytime upon starting the game. It may even be different for every game.
GameMaker: Studio for some reason does the same thing with it's assets, everything is left unencrypted except code, which I guess is a good thing. Modding sure is a lot easier in Studio, since everything should almost always use the exact same locations in memory to store sprites.
You can ask Patrick or Klazen for more infomation on this, they seem to know their way around the GMK/GMX File Structure more than I do.
Don't ask me! I know pretty much nothing about the internals of GameMaker. Interesting idea though Ario.
This does remind me of an idea I had a while ago to add multiplayer functionality to all GM8 fangames. You could decompile the exe, use gmksplit to split it into xml files, modify the project to add multiplayer functionality (most engines use a player object called "player"), use gmksplit to re-form the project, then re-compile it into an exe. I imagine everything but that last step could be automated.
It's possible you could make a program similar to the idea above to modify the player sprite of a game. Though it's possible that would be much harder than it seems, or might not work for some reason. I haven't tried it. Just figured I'd share that idea.
It sounds like you want to have one program, change the graphics in another program. The only thing I can think of is some customization a la Wings of Vi or some "Create a Wrestler" feature, but then it's highly likely that the prop that you want to use isn't included in the game.
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