Fangames > Tools & Software

Autotiler Tool


I made a tool that automates the placing bordered tiles in the GM room editor, which can be a tedious process. The tool modifies the room file itself, so you can still edit the room once the tool does its work. More info is in the readme. I hope people find this tool useful! :)

(click to show/hide)


Note: This tool is for GM:Studio only. I might one day add 8.x support. For the reason why, open this spoiler tag. (click to show/hide)Q: GM 8 / 8.1 support?

* A: The way GM:Studio stores the project data (as XML files) makes it convenient to make a tool like this. GM8 stores everything in a binary format, and while the tool Gmk-splitter could be used to make a GM8 conversion process, it would be messy and I didn't feel like implementing it. Also, the community will be migrating to Studio and YoYo's engine (I hope!). If you're a creator and you haven't switched yet, consider this a nudge! ;)
(click to show/hide)--- version 1.0   11/21/2015 ---
Initial release!

wtf pat why do you always gotta make people's lives easier
I love you, Pat. :3

awesome job! now all that is needed for me to finalize my gmstudio collection is to learn the ridiculous shader langauge xdddddddddd



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