Fangames > User-Made Creations
My first game
I`m impressed. Its pretty good for being your first fangame. I enjoyed it, but there were some things to be worked on.
Level designs: Pretty okay, I only disliked the water one because of the spikes on the bottom of screen.
Music: Good music choices.
Gimmicks: Though this being your first fangame, I'm impressed you had gravity arrows in there.
Overall: Its better then some of the fangames on the wiki, yet has some flaws. The needle is pretty easy, well probably because of there being no save blockers. If you make a second fangame, try playing other good fangames for inspiration.
Pretty much have to agree with everyone here, especially about using the same tile for parts you can go through and parts you can't, and the save balance. I think those were the weakest points about your game.
Also, other than trying to stay away from too bright backgrounds, I would recommend picking ones where there's little going on in them, like, instead of using an actual picture people might use for their desktop images, get a single color and then maybe add some tiles (different from the ones you're using for platforming of course :p) to make it nicer.
And I think in some saves you tried to balance the fact you could save without reaching the actual save by putting things like the invert. (at least that's what it felt like you were doing for me, nevermind this part if I'm wrong) Personally I think that's bad practice, especially when save blockers are so common nowadays that some people might not even try to save it before getting past the jump, like people recommended, use save-blockers as well and preferably change your saves to z-saves, I think there was a post in the game design section with the codes for a z-save if you want to copy them. And those are more pet peeves but avoid putting saves that require you to jump or that you have shoot when you can only do it within the block they're on (although this second one is not an issue if you change your save type)
All in all though it was a nice first attempt imo, I would recommend you to stick around more with people of the community and maybe get someone to show you the ropes to improve a bit faster, and know what kind of things the community likes and dislikes, and don't be discouraged, good luck with your next projects, you seem to have the right attitude towards criticism and that's a really strong point :o
its k
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