Fangames > Unfinished / Incomplete
I need your opinion
Hello, (sorry, bad english)
I want to make game but idk why i'm always loosing my motivation :atkCry:
I've started many project but as i said i've lost my motivation.
I think 3 of them have a potential but when i launch gamemaker i quit it like 5 minutes after :atkCry:
So i've decided to make a "test version" to show you them.
I want some feedbacks about my games and i want you to tell me what is the best one in your opinion.
I wanna pixel the dream :
(click to show/hide)
Adventure game
When you shoot a bullet, you have to press Z again to make it explode and then you can shoot again.
I wanna dream remake :
(click to show/hide)
Adventure game
I think i have to nerf it but idk
I wanna trime :
(click to show/hide)
100 floors game
Have fun ! :atkHappy:
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