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This is for I wanna Be The Studio Engine YoYoYo Edition.
I've created a cherry that will after a number of ticks that you can assign after creation, aim itself at the player, and that will repeat the action a defined number of times. It can optionally change speed when it does this, and then change speed again each time after.
(click to show/hide)Information about object: objCherryRetargetPlayer
Sprite: sprCherry
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Parent: objCherry
No Physics Object
Create Event:
execute code:
/// this cherry will aim itself at the player a certain time AFTER it's spawned.
homedelay=0; ///number of ticks to wait before each direction change.
homeretargets=0; /// how many times to change directions
hometimer=0; ///internal variable
changespeed=false; /// whether or not it should change speed when it changes direction.
newspeed=16; /// speed after first direction change, if changespeed=true.
speeddelta=0; /// amount to add or subtract from the speed above after each change, if changespeed=true. use negative values to slow it down.
Step Event:
execute code:
if (hometimer>homedelay && homeretargets>0 && homedelay>0)
if (instance_exists(objPlayer)) /// only aim for Kid if he's alive.
direction=point_direction(x,y,objPlayer.x,objPlayer.y); ///aim for kid
if (changespeed=true)
speed=newspeed; ///change the speed
newspeed=newspeed+speeddelta; ///and adjust the speed for the next change
I modifed scrCreateShapes for testing this. you can, of course, make colored versions of this object easily enough.
There are many things you can do with this object.
1) make a shape that expands, then aims all it's cherries at you.
2) make a shot that curves towards you for a bit and accelerates
3) place a mine that speeds off in your direction a while later.
making versions of other/random colors is left as an exercise to the reader.
Someone asked me for my water droplet code so here ya go. Object drips down blocks and slides along the edges of spikes.
(click to show/hide)
--- Code: ---Stat = 0; // 0 = flowing, 1 = falling
VSpd = 0.5;
HSpd = 0;
LastVC = 0;
LastHC = 0;
HStep = 0
NotPlaced = 0;
--- End code ---
(click to show/hide)
--- Code: ---if NotPlaced == 1
NotPlaced = 0;
bnum = irandom_range(1,instance_number(objBlock)-2);
cnt = 0;
with objBlock
other.cnt = other.cnt + 1;
if other.cnt == other.bnum
other.x = x + 16;
other.y = y + 16;
visible = true;
if Stat == 0
x = x + HSpd;
y = y + VSpd;
if place_empty(x,y)
VSpd = 0;
if place_empty(x - 1,y) == false {x -= 1;}
if place_empty(x + 1,y) == false {x += 1;}
HSpd = 0;
if place_empty(x,y)
VSpd = 0;
if place_empty(x - 2,y) == false {x -= 2;}
if place_empty(x + 2,y) == false {x += 2;}
HSpd = 0;
if place_empty(x,y)
Stat = 1;
HSpd = 0;
} else {
LastVC = choose(-VSpd,-VSpd / 2, LastVC, LastVC,0.05,0.1);
VSpd += LastVC;
if HStep <= 0
HStep = irandom_range(25,150);
HSpd = random_range(-0.05,0.05);
} else {
HStep -= 1;
if VSpd > 10
HSpd = 0;
VSpd = choose(0,1);
if VSpd < 0 {VSpd = 0;}
} else {
VSpd += 0.3;
y += VSpd;
x += HSpd;
if place_meeting(x, y, objBlock) || place_meeting(x, y, objPlayerKiller) || place_meeting(x, y, objPlayer)
VSpd = VSpd / 4;
HSpd = 0;
Stat = 0;
HStep = 0;
--- End code ---
(click to show/hide)
--- Code: ---y = 1;
x = irandom_range(100,room_width - 100);
--- End code ---
People probably already made this thousands of times but decided to write this myself. This is a code that let's you make the object fade in and out, or just fade in, or just fade out - scrAlphaFade
Oh, yeah if you work in Studio you should have currentFade variable defined in the creation code of every object that will use this script.
Edit: I decided to go even further and created a script that will let you mess with fading any variable you want to - scrValFade
All credit goes to YoYo for this script. I only added too it.
The description says what it does and all the arguments are documented. :)
ADMIN EDIT: snippet edit panel was showing, be more careful next time.
I made a pretty nice pushable block that feels smooth, drops into 32px gaps, and is configurable. PM if you find any issues.
EDIT: Updated version here:
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