Fangames > Unfinished / Incomplete

I Wanna Be The Casual Grassland [v.05]

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I think it's a good idea to do that honestly.

I just meant like messing around with them and trying out new configurations; but if these jumps are the jumps you enjoy then don't let that stop you. My personal way of making games is to also make the game i would want to play so I believe strongly in that.

Oh sorry you're right it's not gms set blue. The problem isn't so much the colour just that a block colour background looks very flat. It isn't an issue if the tiles are flat and minimal too, but yours are detailed and so it looks less like a sky and more like you forgot to put something in, if you get me?

Good luck! :~)


--- Quote from: kendotlibero on September 11, 2015, 09:57:19 AM ---
--- Quote from: Kyir on September 11, 2015, 08:09:11 AM ---I think you made an error in exporting your game, since I can't seem to run it. You want the Compressed Application Zip option I believe.

--- End quote ---
you need to add at the end of the game launcher a .exe
it's a really simple needle game; already seen gimmicks...
nothing special, but it isn'r really bad.

*DISCLAMER* i don't know shit about game desining... Maybe someone more experienced would say something better for your game

--- End quote ---

Having to do that means he picked the wrong export option.


--- Quote from: Kyir on September 11, 2015, 05:59:14 PM ---/snip/

Having to do that means he picked the wrong export option.

--- End quote ---

I actually did export as zip application, I just forgot to re-add the .exe when I renamed the executable in the zip archive.

Fair enough.


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