Fangames > Engines

I Wanna Be The Studio Engine YoYoYo Edition

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--- Quote from: Katz on September 04, 2015, 01:59:23 PM ---
--- Quote from: YoYoYoDude1 on September 04, 2015, 04:57:45 AM ---Can you get a screenshot of this? I've never seen this happen before.

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(Mind you, this may have only happened because I have installed a windows partition into a Macbook, henceforth seeing these bugs on regular pc's isn't common to begin with. Just to keep in mind + not to get overworked for).

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I'm not really sure what the issue is, the game view looks fine to me.
Is the game window itself getting smaller or  something? If so it's probably a Windows or GameMaker Studio issue involved with window scaling that I can't really do anything about.

Junior Nintendista:
You're quick with the updates, it's still a great engine, I recommend.

Awesome work, but is there a way to transfer levels from older version of the engine into the newer one?

You could either export the rooms/objects via GMS and then import them to the next version or just copy the relevant changes in the code to the older world. The first way requires that you delete a bunch of duplicates, while the latter is just time consuming.


--- Quote from: trollathon on September 08, 2015, 09:12:34 PM ---Awesome work, but is there a way to transfer levels from older version of the engine into the newer one?

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Yeah you can puts things you made in the older version into the newer version by dragging and dropping the resource files you made from your original project into the newer engine or right clicking in the resources folders in the newer engine and using "Add Existing".
This can be pretty tedious but there's not an easier way as far as I'm aware.


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