Fangames > Engines
I Wanna Be The Studio Engine YoYoYo Edition
--- Quote from: YoYoYoDude1 on August 23, 2015, 12:39:54 PM ---
* Muting sound effects on reset
--- End quote ---
if (keyboard_check_pressed(vk_f2))
Pretty sure he means when you press R, not F2.
Yeah I meant restarting when pressing R.
The issue is that there's no simple way to stop all of the sound effects without also stopping the music and having it restart. There's a feature in Studio that could probably help with this (audio groups), but this feature is only available in the Professional Version so I don't want to use it in this engine.
Okay, I just uploaded v0.7 of the engine with a new feature I've been wanting to implement.
There's now a built-in save verification system that uses MD5 hashes to make sure the save being loaded hasn't been tampered or modified outside of the game. This should make save hacking in games made with this engine reasonably more difficult.
damn that's sick.
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