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what's the origin of your username?

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Laser tag was where I thought it up; the reason why I thought it up was because I used to be an extremely angry person (it was kinda ridiculous, too), and I guess something related to fire kinda fit with anger.

btw, sand, where did 'ilvpag' come from?

ilvpag is an acronym for something really stupid, don't want to say :P

lol ok  :atkHappy:

In seventh grade my friends pestered me to get an AIM account. I came up with patrickgh3 in a rush since they were staring over my shoulder. Patrick is my first name, and gh3 stands for the game Guitar Hero 3 which I liked at that time. I wish I had come up with something better and that didn't use my first name, but oh well. I kept procrastinating on thinking up a new name and now here we are.

REBAG, your story is pretty cool.
Pat, you already have another username. :denKamilia_v2:

Mine is 4 random consonants and a random vowel (older brother's idea), and we made a list of names with the letters rearranged until I found something that I liked and thought sounded cool.  Every time you guys misspell my name as Wolks or Kslow or something, those were all potential usernames at one point. :Kappa:


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