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Why can't I ever just get lucky?  :BibleThump:

I have died over 13k times in this segment, and that's just the main file. In total, it's probably 3 times that if you include all the deaths in my savestate practice file. I don't how long it's been. I finally got past the really hard jump at the bottom that you have to do twice, and I died on the easy version of the jump you have to do next. To be fair, it's not a trivial jump, with my success rate probably being a little under half and half, but seriously, what the hell. I've pretty much mastered shooting the save, so I'd be done now if I succeeded there.

If you're wondering, I was listening to Den's Locus stream in the background.

 :BibleThump: :BibleThump: :BibleThump: :BibleThump: :BibleThump: you were so close to beating one of the hardest segments ever....... :BibleThump: :BibleThump: :BibleThump: :BibleThump: :BibleThump: :BibleThump:

I got closer... I beat that jump that I died on... But I failed to shoot the save. I choked on the part I completely fucking mastered.

And that segment would have been the hardest segment I've ever beaten by far.

well, after fail on video jump, and fail on save-shooting, next one must be success!


--- Quote from: Ethin/thenougathorn on August 08, 2013, 02:46:04 AM --- :BibleThump:
well, after fail on video jump, and fail on save-shooting, next one must be success!

--- End quote ---

Lol, you're always so optimistic. Well, I hope I beat this within the next few days, before I start my intensive few week self-study.


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