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Kirby Super Star is my hands down favorite game of all time. I would love to speedrun it sometime, but my roommate has yet to get his wiimote for us to play co-op together :Kappa:

Kirby Super Star. The original for the SNES. I have so many nostalgic memories of playing it with my brother all the way through. The music is amazing, it has by far the best selection of power-ups and it's all in all just fun.
(But finding the Copy ability in Milkyway Wishes took us ages ... that hiding place is absolutely ridiculous.)

Return to Dreamland is a close second though.

I used to play Kirby nightmare in dreamland on my gba everytime I took a shit. Not even kidding. I loved every minute of it.


--- Quote from: Mattisticus on March 31, 2014, 07:14:03 AM ---I used to play Kirby nightmare in dreamland on my gba everytime I took a shit. Not even kidding. I loved every minute of it.

--- End quote ---
oh my god thats what I would do thats how I got into speedrunning it LOL :D

My favorites are Kirby Super Star (Ultra) and Kirby Dream Land 2.  My only problem with these games is that they are too easy like the Starfy Games.


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