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hearthstone tournament


Hey guys  :tenKapple:
Few months ago people talked about a hearthstone tournament with fangame community members. So first this topic is to see how many people want to do it (i think on the europe sever, but if there is a lot of americans we can do 2 tournaments).

Matches will be a bo5 with a single elimination.

So if you want to participate post your name here or contact me somewhere, battle.net : Doppler#2742, skype : doppller (even if i'm not often on skype)

I will explain more about it if there is enough people.7

This is a tournament for fun so feel free to participate even if you didn't hit legend rank 25 times.

I'm looking foward your replies to do ieet  :IceFairy:

Sounds fun, I'm relatively new to hearthstone but I'd like participate :atkWaifu:

Hearthstone tournament PogChamp
Seriously that needs to work out or we'll have to ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ  RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ


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