Fangames > The Lounge

My donation stream weekend


Hello everyone,

as some of you might know, I will be attending ESA (European Speedster Assembly) to run Boshy 100% at the end of June/early July in Sweden.

Unfortunately, money is a bit tighter than I expected. That's why I am doing 2 10+ hour streams this weekend, where I will play a bunch of different games (mostly Fangames) in an attempt to raise some money to put less strain on my wallet.

I estimated the cost of the entire trip to be around 400-500€. I don't expect to raise quite that much, but anything helps me to make sure I can actually go there.

Some information:
Date: 23rd and 24th of May
Where: My Twitch channel
What: Schedule

The only thing I ask for here is to spread the word a little bit. If you have any more suggestions for games I could play or incentives to put onto the schedule, feel free to suggest them. I didn't put too much thought into the schedule and didn't want to go too greedy on the incentives.

I read that as My donald stream weekend... I'm disapointed now


--- Quote from: Sephalos on May 22, 2015, 05:48:32 PM ---I read that as My donald stream weekend... I'm disapointed now

--- End quote ---


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