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About kamilia 3 and that not very smart man who removed my post.

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You modified a savefile which is written by a decrypted .exe to access unavailable areas through legit playing in the public released version.

We already had that discussion some time ago about forehead 2 content. I'm also out of this thread.

Edit: Nice 2nd forumaccount btw. Shows that you are pretty certain in your opinion.

As i said earlier - this area available since at least 11 october 2014. If you can't read or understand - glad you get out of here. Here is place for adequate discussing, not for incorrect in advance/fanatic/brainless statements like yours last.


--- Quote ---adequate discussing
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(click to show/hide)
--- Quote --- Only for that "protecting system" author should be beaten a lot of times and get cancer
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--- Quote ---Hmmm let me count the f*cks I given about that... 1... 2... Oh wait! They all flew away!
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---he is completely retarded
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---Because creator going full retard
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--- Quote ---(and noone of them didn't uploaded it for us yet, greedy jews)
--- End quote ---

Nice "adequate" discussion style you got going there, buddy.

If you ask me we should just ban and ignore him. Pretty sure we don't want/need him in our community.

Please keep the discussion civil or I will have to take action.

Okay, may be I did here some too strong expressive. But here was 2 reasons: delete of my first post without any reason really pissed me off, and then ppl complainig about how I'm bad, cheater/hacker and etc. When here is some obviously much bigger problems:
1) Dev stopped completely because creator live in some of his dreams. He think when he saying something like "don't use hax", all must and will obey him. It's so (really sorry for using that word again but here is nothing less harmful I can say) retarded. When you develop a really hard game you should expect appearance of hacks and accept that. If you don't accept that why the hell you start develop some that hard stuff? It's really stupid. Do something easy like kamilia 2. With technically advanced stuff like in K3 it can be a GREAT game without desire to hack it from people who can't do something.
2) Even when dev was stopped, why we still can't use newest possible version? Why testers can't share what they have? What the point of keeping last version only for them? It's also ridiculous and stupid.
3) "Protection". I'll don't complain about preventing using hourglass or something. If dev can protect of this kind of hacks - it's totally fair. But that "save protection" is really worst thing i saw in this world. Noone can be 100% sure his comp will be fine tomorrow. Something can happen even if you don't expect that. It's the whole new rule for games: you can't do anything with your computer without risk of broke save. You not allowed to upgrade your OS, or re-install it cause of upgrading hardware, or viruses, or etc... If you want bind the save to something, you need to act smart, not like author did. Here is a lot possible ways to do some good things with binding save and prevent risk of lose it. For example you can do mini-server and online accounts for game. Noone will share his account, and can access save from any device he has. And save will be in safe if here is some backup system. It's not an expensive decision and not cancerous like what he did. Also this will allow to avoid hacking saves.
But of course he don't care about players and made worst decision possible.

Wow my post with video just deleted again without any explanation. Someone shoul check his mind state if it's not too late for receiving some help.


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