Fangames > Unfinished / Incomplete
Work In Progress (and Discontinued) Screenshot Thread
Cooking some adventure for you guys, hope to finish this in 2015, does 16:9 looks fine to you?
Current projects for the near future, so far:
PSIFT: Planned alpha as soon as this shit's fully polished. Will send screenshots of the fixes/implementations soon.
I Wanna be the Fuccboi:
--- Quote from: Katz on April 02, 2015, 06:26:55 PM --- (click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
Making a game based on Porter Robinson's 'Worlds'. Barely made an intro for it.
--- End quote ---
Yeah, no. That's scrapped; though, expect something in a similar stance after PSIFT is fairly developed (It'll probably end up being a needlevoidance game).
v rudimentary and unimpressive right now. a lot more work to come.
How do you deal with things that don't fit onto the 32x32 grid with that setup?
Also, have a title screen everyone:
It was more fun to make than the game has been so far.
Kinda feel like this thread should be in the Game Design forum but maybe that's just me.
They're spawned after the array has created the basic room and they're saved in a different more boring way.
I like the title screen so far, SCP entry in the back? + I feel you on that front, all the little things like titles, naming levels and menu screens are what I tend to enjoy designing most. Then the graphics, then the coding then the levels, in descending order.
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