Fangames > Unfinished / Incomplete

Work In Progress (and Discontinued) Screenshot Thread

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magic the gathering? (last guess)

Simpler than that, but close enough.

definitely some kind of card game :p
you create the opponent's deck and add a few cards. then in the step event you check whether it's the computer's turn, and if it is, you "draw" a card, remove it from the deck (of course) and end the turn.

i just can't guess what game it is from the values involved :p

Yeah! That's what all the code there does. I'm still struggling with figuring out how to make Game Maker hold onto values while I'm switching around active objects but I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually.

That, or I'll give up on it completely.

That said, if anyone's interested in helping me recreate what's basically a dumbed-down version of Tetra Master from FF9, send me a message somewhere.

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