Fangames > Gameplay & Discussion

Games that should be in the wiki, but are not.

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I have had several requests for the download of "I wanna be the conscience".  Most of you know this game for being included in Kamilia 2 in a couple of screens but for whatever reason that game is no where to be found on the wiki.  It is an overlooked gem imo and im making this thread wondering if any other good games were out there that can not be found on the wiki.  Thanks

None of PomuRin's games are on the wiki, which include Locus, Azure, and Conscience, and i'm pretty sure its because so you can download all of his games on his nico page, Klein, Yoyo, they all do the same thing. Klein even says so in his Butterfly english readme.

so can we post games that are not on the wiki here?


--- Quote from: petsson12 on January 13, 2015, 01:14:32 PM ---so can we post games that are not on the wiki here?

--- End quote ---

I say no

Games that are not on the wiki are not there for a reason. I say get an admin's permission or something if you want to do this, because this was done last time and the thread was taken down because all of us had to honor the creators and not share their games to the public, that's why End The Rainbow Miku got on such a bad path and got the creator upset because it was shared.

Ok removed the link, would like a list of games though and i can look them up.


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