Fangames > User-Made Creations

I Wanna Jump Aids

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Title: I Wanna Jump Aids
Engine: I Wanna Be The Engine Lemon Edition
1. Normal (Nerfed spike placements, more saves)
2. Very Hard (Nerfed spike placements)
3. As Designed (Original spike placements)

(Last Updated:01/03/15)
Change list
1. Fixed an improperly placed tile.
2. Fixed music looping, broke it with last minute code changes before releasing. :c

Download Link 1:!YVgC0Qgb!L054T1yGpUPBCxXvSvSbhDVrnzWwNlXnksHmkl753Rs
Download Link 2:

I was curious how hard and awkward I could make jumps and still complete them...this single large screen game is the result. If you don't know about bunny hopping and aligns you probably won't have a very good time trying to play this game. However I did try to make which aligns you should use somewhat obvious.

Q: The resolution is too high, I can't see my character!
A: Well that's a shame, maybe you should get some glasses or some other form of visual augmentation like the Windows Magnifier. I'm not changing the resolution and adding a follow camera. If it bothers you so much you can decompile the game and add it yourself.

Q: Did you test your game? Some of these jumps are impossible!
A: Yes I did test my game, for about 100 hours total. If you can't do a jump then either you are doing it wrong or you have the wrong align. Feel free to try and prove me wrong though...

Stage Screenshot

I was wondering when this was gonna be released.  I will never play it, though.  :Kappa:

That easy! I got this, hold my beer :Kappa:

Doesn't seem that hard.
Resolution renders it unplayable.


--- Quote from: Wolsk on January 02, 2015, 11:07:12 PM ---I was wondering when this was gonna be released.  I will never play it, though.  :Kappa:

--- End quote ---

I wasn't originally going to release it, but I figured someone might want to play it :s

--- Quote from: lemonxreaper on January 03, 2015, 12:32:01 AM ---Resolution renders it unplayable.

--- End quote ---

Just curious, do you have a smaller monitor resolution than the game? Or do you normally blow games up to full-screen when you play. I always play fangames in their native resolution so for me the way the game plays is as it is with any other game, there's just more area without screen-transistions.


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