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POLL 4: Would you buy a customized IWBTG Merchandise?

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This type of merchandise includes but is not limited to:

* T-Shirts
* Hoodies
* Jackets
* Coffee Mugs
* Mouse Pads
* And probably more!
Prices are still getting worked out, so I can't say as much of how much they will cost.

I don't think the guy community is big enough to keep this merchandise up


--- Quote from: petsson12 on November 23, 2014, 02:12:49 PM ---I don't think the guy community is big enough to keep this merchandise up

--- End quote ---

To further this - I think not only is the community not big enough, it's not organized enough, nor is there a demand/want for merchandise.

Focus should be on improving forums, improving participation (both viewer and streamer/player), maintaining community growth, and hosting public events.

pretty sure that's copyright theft but otherwise no not really.

Last time I checked there was already some merchandise, like t-shirts and hats, though it may not be what you're referencing exactly.


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