Fangames > Gameplay & Discussion

Weekly BINGO Race

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Hey there again :FrankerZ:

Now that the Bingo system is finished and live it's time for Weekly Bingo Races!
We will alternate every week with the card category. So either it is an Adventure or a Mix card.
Also because our community is spread all over the world and the Timezones are a real issue
we will do every weekend 2 different races suited to different timezones.


Race 1 will start at: Saturday November 29th, 8 PM CEST
Race 2 will start at: Sunday November 30th, 2 AM CEST

Card type: Adventure Medium Card (Estimated time:  ~2h30m)

We will race on SRL so make sure to have everything setup.
If you don't know how to do so check:

Also make sure to inform yourself about the BINGO and how it works at

And don't forget to download the BINGO Game Pack BEFORE the race start so no-one has to wait for other
participants to download games.

--- Quote from: klazen108 on October 23, 2014, 09:40:25 AM ---Also something that might be helpful:
This'll display any time in CEST along with that same time in PST and EST (or PDT and EDT cause it's daylight savings time... whatever)
If you want to check for other times just click the "make changes to the current search" link and you can change the time.

--- End quote ---

It would be cool if everyone who plans on joining could type something here in the thread so I know there is interest
in the community.

Peace  :atkHappy:

I'd just like to point out that I think we should keep this race open to anyone who (for whatever reason) will race without SRL's timers. Involving the community without confusing the crap out of everyone setting up for SRL is what we should push for. But of course, getting as many people as possible in the actual SRL-hosted race is better.

That's why I announced the race 3 days before so everyone has enough time to sit down 10 minutes and get his shit right  :atkHappy:
Also racing on SRL will benefit the community way more imo

Any chance of trying out different starting times in later weeks? I know time zones are a bitch, but midnight CEST is 3pm US Mountain Time and 2pm US Pacific time. There's basically no way for players in the western half of the US with real life obligations (school or work) to participate in this.

Even for Europeans, starting at midnight may be bad. Some people have stuff to do on Saturday and others don't want to screw with their sleep schedule. Especially because 2.5 hours is only an estimate and it may go much higher depending on the Bingo card for some.

I think there are enough players to warrant 2 different Bingo times for EU and US, obviously with some EU players playing on US times and vice versa.

Edit: I take it that you mean the midnight from Friday->Saturday and not Thursday->Friday because that would be silly.


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