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Team application
Hey guys,
Sunbla told me about his idea to overhaul the Application system for the team.
The idea is to nominate people for the Team and and create a vote here on the Forum to accept the nominated
person or not.
I like this idea a lot but we have to discuss the details of this.
In my opinion it should be only Team internal so only current "Wannabes" can vote for a nominated person.
So we need Starzor to create a Team-Only-Board and give Wannabes access to that. Even better would be if
the board would be viewable by the publicity but only Wannabes can still vote. I don't know if that's something the
forum functions can offer.
I didn't give this too many thoughts but it would be nice if we could have a discussion about this topic here.
Peace :atkHappy:
i think a backroom would be nice for something like this .i dont think its a problem to make a thingy that is viewable by a group!
would be the same like how the admin threads work.
Yea I know, but the Admin board is not visible for the Normal Users. But it would be cool if the "Vote-Board" or
whatever is viewable by everyone but only wannabes can write into/use it.
Only issue I see is getting more of our team members to actually become active on this forum. With only a fraction of the people checking in here, a system like this could leave the decision up to the handful that do. It's not a bad idea though.
I struggled with the same problem on my guild forum, always having to nudge people to hop in once a day or so.
Is it fine if I move this to the suggestions board? I'd think we should get a wider populous of people. Plus most people on the team aren't 'mods' or 'admins' so they won't be able to see this post.
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