Fangames > User-Made Creations

I Wanna Get Rekt

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--- Quote from: Tetaes on November 27, 2014, 05:38:45 AM ---OH GOD! That scared me T_T
Also, Is that through the entire game?? And, it's random. right?

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If you're talking about spider-chan, yes. She's completely random.

I hate to say it but I actually do not like that game mechanic, it was funny the first time, but just the first time.

I know you can react to it, but the thing is you're never prepared for the spider and if you're going for flawless run, you will lose it just because of that spider.

Can anybody tell me how long does it take to defeat the Dancing Boss at Stage 4? I'm still wondering if I should just rage quit here or not '-'

if its the minigame boss you are talking about, its not that long.  don't give up, you can dooo eeet~ :Kappa:


--- Quote from: Valioa on November 27, 2014, 04:30:03 PM ---if its the minigame boss you are talking about, its not that long.  don't give up, you can dooo eeet~ :Kappa:

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Just finished it  :atkHappy: (For the first time, I didn't mistake "Jump" for "Up" '-')

Anyway, this game is really cool...But I miss a full screen here '-'


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